This story line has been forked off of a huge campaign started in the mid 1990’s, called World of Legon. This world has been around 30 years, and has it’s own unique twists and fun story lines. The use of Magic is banned; not simple elemental, or clerical, but Wizard, Warlock or Mage magic. The current campaign is finding a way to return it to the world, and allow a Demi-God to ascend named Finster.
Serenity’s story picks up from the time Camerondale attacks the Capitol of Thorn Gate and defeats the three witches once and for all (at least they thought they did). The young thief / assassin has to find her way out of the city alive before that Camerondale scum takes her prisoner.
Click on read the story to start with. The saga continues, quite a few are published already.
Again, a work in progress, but join us now and live the adventure of this young would be rogue, as we “roleplay” this story. Dice rolls for plot points and movements, battles run by my friend Todd. It’s going to be fun!
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